Salut .


My name is Bobi, I am a pool player, top-amateur, and from the experience I got from the 16 years of playing pool, I thought to prepare a technical program for players with level beginner-intermediate, seniors.

Because of this program, the Romanian Billiard-Pool Federation gaved me a instructor authorization for initiating new players into the art of billiad.

In this training I will reveal for you the basic billiard technique so you will lonely develop your senses for billiard, in a practice of 3 hours every day.

With the shown technique, you will become a amateur player, impressing your friends with a good quality game.

To put your name on the list of the top players from your city, or your country, besides the 3 hours of practice, you have to dedicate every day 3 hours more, for the same technique.

The consequences of the 6 hour practice, will be remarkable, but each one we fit into some possibilities in function of some aspects, aspects of our lives that has the purpose to improve ourselves.

The difference between amateur and top-amateur is not made by the technique, but it`s made by the capacity of each to analyze and feel every strike on the cue ball.

The purpose of this program is to develop your skills for the games of billiard.

The program is composed by 3 easy steps, each step one week. For 100% succes, you have to follow the steps exactly as I show them.

So, let`s begin...

Monday, March 5, 2012

Step 2 .

      Well, the second week we dedicate it for the training of your senses.
    The developed senses offer us a better precision. To approach more to the perfection in technique, we will talk in detail about one important billiard tool fundamental in precision, the cue stick.
    This week, we will also choose the best cue stick for you.

    The cue stick approved by the World Billiard Association, has to have this measures:

                  - lenght - 40 inches minimum

                 - weight - 25 oz. maximum

                 - width of tip - 14 mm maximum .
    The cue tip of the cue stick must be composed of a piece made of a specially processed leather, other fibrous or pliable material that fits perfectly on the head of the stick.
    The ferrule of the cue stick, if of a metal material, may not be more than 1 inch in length.
    The sticks differ in function of quality and price.

    If you are using the cue sticks from the club you are playing in, then the choice will be in function of what you find there.

    Remember the best cue stick you found and anytime you go for playing, ask for that cue stick. If the second day you consider it would be a little bit better, a stick with less or more weight, do not hesitate to ask for it so you can feel comfortable when you play.
    If you want to buy one, you can simply go to one store and test the stick they have there. Is more indicated to do the first option first, and then go to the shop, this way you will already know what to ask.

    The best cue stick for you is the one that is 100% comfortable when you get in position to make a shot. 

    You don`t feel it neither heavy, neither easy, neither short, neither long.
    Make a few easy shots and a few powerful shots with each English and try to feel which level of security it offered you.

    Also the ferrule must fits perfectly on the head of the stick, when you desire to play Snooker or pool. 
 Measure it to make sure it not cover more space.

    The perfect cue stick is offering a subtle security on your emotional state.

    This week the training time will be, 2 hours from Monday to Saturday, between 11:00 and 14:00, whenever you choose.
    And from Monday to Friday, one hour, anytime from 20:00.

    If you consider you want to spent more time training then  you can bypass the time I said.
    Of course, you can take a break whenever you want.
    From the 2 hours of training, dedicate the first 15 minutes for English. Simply put a ball on the table wherever you want and enter it in which pocket you want, using English.
    From the 1 hour training in the afternoon , dedicate the first 10 minutes also for English.


    For this week, I have prepared a few concrete positions in which you have to enter a ball and in the same time to get good position on the cue ball.

    For Monday and Tuesday I have prepared this 2 positions.
    For the 2 hours of training from 11:00 to 14:00, exercise the position from the below picture.

    Arrange the balls exactly as you see them in the picture. As you probably seen or not, the billiard table has 3 spots on each cushions, they are for orientation.

    Well, the cue ball set it to the middle point of the cushion, to a distance of approximately 16 cm from the cushion. Appreciate the measures with the eyes.
    The orange ball, set it to point 1 like you can see in the picture, to a distance of approximately 16 cm from the cushion.

    The red ball, set it to point 3, touching the cushion.

    The black ball, set it to point 1 touching the cushion.

    On this position, you have to enter the orange ball and in the same time positioning the cue ball between the red ball and the black ball, the nearest you can to the cushion.

    We will consider perfect shot, when the cue ball is exactly in the middle of the red and black ball, touching the cushion. But, the more you approach to the cushion, it is really an advance. The important thing is, always the cue ball to be between the 2 balls, even if not in the middle of them. The black ball is supposed to be next ball to enter, but we consider this only theoretical.

    A tip: the hard you hit the cue ball the fare it will go. 

    The only exception is the stun shot, because when you hit strong the cue ball, to obtain "stop", the cue ball will stop, but if you hit softer in the center, then the cue ball will forward. The stun shot can be obtained only when you hit the object ball in straight line.

    In the afternoon, exercise the position from this picture. 

    Arrange the balls exactly as they appear in the picture.

    The cue ball and the orange ball, face to face, to approximately 3 cm to the right of the middle pockets.
    The red ball, to point 1, touching the cushion.

    The black ball, to point 3, touching the cushion.

    You have to introduce the orange ball to the middle pocket, and in the same time the cue ball to reach between the 2 balls, red and black, as near as you can to the cushion.

    The perfect shot is when the cue ball is in the middle of the red ball and the black ball touching the cushion.
    But, we are interested of approaching the more we can to the cushion, anywhere between the 2 balls.
    When you manage to obtain this, in consecutive shots, then you advanced.


    For Wednesday and Thursday I have prepared 3 positions.

    For the training of the 2 hours from 11:00 to 14:00, exercise the position from this picture.

    Arrange the balls exactly as you see them in the picture.
    Cue ball, to point 2, touching the cushion.
    Orange ball, to point 1, to approximately 10 cm from the cushion.
    Red ball, to point 1, touching the cushion.
    Black ball, to point 3, touching the cushion.
    In this position, you have to introduce the orange ball and in the same time position the cue ball between the red and black balls, the nearest you can to the cushion.

    The perfect shot is when the cue ball is situated in the middle of the 2 balls, touching the cushion.

    But, like I said, the essence of this training is to get as near as you can to the perfect shot, in consecutive shots.

    Because of table qualities is possible for you to not make this position of the cue ball. Maybe the pool table is to small, maybe the cushion does not support that angle or maybe the cloth is not supporting the necessary speed for this shot.

    In this case, exercise the same position, but change the angle of the shot, as you can see in the picture.

For afternoon, exercise the 2 positions from this picture. Give 30 minutes to each position.


    For the shot from above you have to introduce the black ball into the right pocket of the down side of the table and the cue ball to remain on the table no matter where. 

    For this shot, arrange the balls this way.

    Cue ball, to point 2, to approximately 16 cm from the cushion.

    The orange ball, to point 1, to approximately 16 cm from the cushion.

    The black ball, exactly on the center of the table.

    You have to introduce the orange ball and in the same time positioning the cue ball the nearest you can to the center line of the table, no matter where, to the right or to the left of the line.

    The perfect shot is when the cue ball is in straight line with the black ball on the center line, but, as you already know, the important aspect is to get as near as we can to the perfect shot , consecutively.


    For Friday I have prepared 2 positions. 

    For the 2 hours of the training from 11:00 to 14:00, exercise for 1h the position from the picture below.


       For this shot, arrange the cue ball to point 1, to approximately 16 cm from the cushion.
    The black ball, in the middle of point 1 and point 2, touching the cushion.
    You have to pot the black ball in the middle pocket and the cue ball to remain anywhere on the table.
    The other hour, exercise the next position you can see in the next picture.


    For this shot, arrange the cue ball face to face with the orange ball, situated to approximately 3 cm to the left of the middle pockets.

    The red ball, to point 1, touching the cushion.

    The black ball, to point 3, touching the cushion.

    For this position you have to introduce the orange ball to the middle pocket and in the same time positioning the cue ball anywhere between the 2 balls, as near as you can to the cushion.

    Because of the closed angle, the cue ball can not reach to the middle of the 2 balls, red and black, so we will consider perfect shot, when the cue ball is anywhere between the 2 balls, red and black, touching the cushion.

    The important thing is, as you already know, to approach the more you can to the perfect shot, in consecutive shots.

    Because of the table qualities, just like the position from Wednesday, is possible to not allow you to obtain this position, so you simply have to change the angle of playing like you see in this picture.

     For the afternoon training, exercise only the second shot from this day. 


    For Saturday, I established a relaxing training of 2 hours, concentrated only on English.
    Arrange a few balls on the table as you wish and introduce them in pockets where you want, but, using English. Exercise easy shots and powerful shots.


    In all the pictures you can observe the trajectory line drawn of the cue ball. It is approximate. When you make the shots try to deduce by yourself the trajectory of the cue ball, repeating the shot and always remembering the spot where you hit the cue ball the first time.

   Even if you don`t make the shots , exactly, do not quit. The essence of this training is to develop your senses. You will notice how you advanced, when you make the third week of the program, comparing it with the first week.

   If your level of playing is much more higher and you consider this positions to be easy for you, then if you understood the idea of this training, you can create by yourself some difficult positions, in the same organization.

  Success !

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